CentOS 4.3 Notes
- Travis Conway originally reported this as not working with a kernel
Kernel panic - not syncing: kernel/sched.c:2689: spin_lock(kernel/sched.c:c03ea20)
already locked by kernel/sched.c/2689
<0>Kernel panic - not syncing: kernel/sched.c:460: spin_lock(kernel/sched.c:c0ea120)
already locked by kernel/sched.c/2689
- Colin Barnhorst reports that:
Use boot options: "linux noacpi" plus graphics options such as "1024x768
(Example: linux noacpi 1024x768 depth=16)
- To change the resolution without boot options, Dean McDonald says:
1. Press Ctrl+Alt+F2, login as root
2. Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf file in text editor
3. In Section “Screen” Change DefaultDepth = 24 and Depth = 24 to
DefaultDepth = 16 and Depth = 16 in all locations
4. Save /etc/X11/xorg.conf file
5. Press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to restart X Windows